Thursday, February 23, 2017

Remaking My Steewpid Amateur Covers

Stupid is actually pronounced "steew-pid" but apparently people started saying it like "stewpid" and it stuck (SuperCarlinBrothers Jay talked about this in a video...about something. I forgot which one.)

I've been making covers for...for...uh, 7 years or so. Gosh. That's a long time.

Anyway, I started to do it seriously about 4 years ago. Now I make covers that actually look like covers and not "cover artwork". You'll see what I mean :)

I decided to post some of my remake attempts on old covers. I will post the old cover and then the remake. Just to make it clear, I will label the legal ones as "legal" and I will also be posting ones I made for people and I will label those as "Title & Authorname copyrighted" so you know which ones not to steal. Actually, most of them will probably be "Title & Authorname copyrighted" because some of them belong to me, too. I have rights, right? Right. (Daffy Duck reference. If you've seen the one with Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny in the hunting scene, you will know which one I'm talking about.)

In fact, don't steal any of them :P Well, I trust you guys. I do :)

Without further, dododo, dodooo *sings*...

Old cover for a poem of mine.
Just font on a pic. Boring!
Title copyrighted.
And the remake version is...