Monday, November 28, 2016

IMPORTANT: About Copyright Stuffs (Pixabay and other)

This is an important notice. I have been reading up on various copyright rules of Pixabay (where I get most of my legal pics) and decided to make this post.

Unless I explicitly state that the photo is my own original photo, you can assume that the other photos are not original. Typically what I do when making a photo-edit (is what I call them), is gather a bunch of good-looking legal photos from Pixabay or from Google Image ("insert random word here" wallpaper) and put them on top of each other.

Basically what I do is carve the photos and mash them into each other using cut-out, overlay, and collage techniques. In a sense, you can say that the editing is owned by me. I made the wonderful pic look epic. Get it? Epic? :P  And...the pun has been lost.

Some photo-edits I did and posted in my main blog "World Problems and Randomness" are not legal, meaning that I am messing with pics that other people have a rights to claim.  These I cannot sell and will not sell, don't worry :)

From now on I will make sure to let you know what exactly my photos are made of just so that I don't get fined. Of course you can say that lots of people are messing around with other people's photos without their consent and posting them on their blogs without their consent so what's the biggy deal?

But the thing is, it's always good to be kind to others by not claiming an entire photo as your own if the original was someone else's. I wouldn't want someone doing that to my photos so why would I do it to them?

Statements for Each Case

In the cases where I have used an original photo to make a photo-edit, these are copyrighted by me.

In the cases where I have used an original photo AND a photo that is not my own from some random person, I will post the original photo of mine so you can see what parts are of my photo.

In the cases where I have used some random person's photo, not under creative commons, don't worry, I won't sell these or even claim them as my own.

In the cases where I have used some landscape photos or photos of objects from Pixabay, and I am not selling them, I will not say anything because Pixabay says it is okay.

In the cases where I have used some landscape photos or photos of objects from Pixabay, and I AM SELLING THEM, I will say something, of course, and also ask the owner of the photo if they will mind it or not.

Finally, of course, if I'm selling any photo-edits using pics from Pixabay, I will ask the owner if it is okay or not.

End of Statements for Each Case

Pixabay has this thing about identifiable people and buildings may be protected so it might not be good to claim anything about them without asking the original owners. This gets tricky because who are these "identifiable people"? What if I don't know them?

With this case, I'll just have to ask the original owner IF I am selling them.

If not, I'll just say
it's from Pixabay.

That rhymed :)
My shop logo which I use for covers posted to this blog.
This is made by an amazing Figgy a.k.a The One and Only (Tony).