Monday, August 24, 2015

First Cover to Post Here

My recent ambition, kinda, sorta is... create covers with ambiguous stories (that I can't or will never write) and stick watermarks on them to make them seem professional.

Sometimes I like the feel of what I call "free covermaking" or "free editing" meaning that I don't have to worry about what someone wants and how they want it. I can "fly off", so to speak.

Let me just say I really really don't mind making people covers. Some people say "be creative" and I go on a roll with it. But still, it's nice to just...create, you know?

The title "a Ripple in a Memory", I would have to admit was inspired by Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time".

The idea was kinda of about memory loss from some tragic or horrifying incident where the character locks the bad memories in his or her head so as not to remember them. But then there comes a time when she or he has totally forgotten them but they have come back in some form to haunt that person and so that they have to remember in order to counterattack or deal with those haunts.  Does it even makes sense? :/

I hope it does  :P

The idea of the door was that the memories are behind that door and the blood on the outside shows how horrifying the memories could be.

Can any of you guess by the cover where I did my editing? :)  It's pretty obvious if you're a covermaker as well.

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